Wholesale Order Form

Company Information:
New Customer Setup (for A/R and CRM Database):
Order Information:
12-pack cases of Bored & Thirsty Water

If multiple locations, please email a location list to: albert@boredandthirsty.com.

Trade Show Promotional Offer:

Please confirm the promotional offer negotiated at the trade show for your initial order with: albert@boredandthirsty.com

Billing Information:

If Credit Card, a secure link/form will be sent for payment information.
For Bank Transfers, banking details will be provided on the invoice.
For Checks, please mail to the Billing Address: Attention A/R Dept - Bored & Thirsty, 724 N Poinsettia Street, Suite #2, Santa Ana CA 92701

Special Instructions/Notes:

By signing below, I confirm that the information provided on this order form is accurate and authorize BORED & THIRSTY INC. to process this order as per the terms discussed. I understand that an invoice will be issued to the Responsible Billing Party, and payment will be due according to the terms specified in the invoice.